IBM SPSS Statistics 27 – Pre Registered 2024

Supports data files in Excel, text, Dbase, Access, SAS and other formats. By using the data interface of ODBC (Open Database Capture). You can directly access the database management system with Structured Query Language (SQL) as the data access standard. Through the database. The export wizard function can easily write data into the database and so on.


This software supports super-long variable names (64 characters), which not only facilitates the needs of Chinese research. It also achieves better compatibility with today’s various complex data warehouses. You can directly use variable names in databases or data tables9, Using comprehensive statistical techniques for data analysis. In addition to general common summary statistics and row and column calculations. This software also provides a wide range of basic statistical analysis functions, such as data summary, counting, cross analysis, classification, descriptive statistical analysis, factor analysis , regression and cluster analysis, etc. It is convenient for market analysts to directly apply to specific problems.


New generalized linear models (GZLMs) and generalized estimating equations (GEEs) can used to deal with a wide range of statistical model problems. Use the multinomial Logistic regression statistical analysis function to obtain more diagnostic functions in the classification table 10. Use the presentation
chart Clearly express analysis results.